Meal Plans

office lunch box

Your Office Lunch Box: More Than Just a Meal

In between dealing with work and maintaining a healthy routine when you’re back home, lunchtime can feel like a hurdle too huge. There are meetings, deadlines and the ever-present hunger that haunts your routine. There’s a lot one must juggle to find satisfying meals which are convenient and can feel impossible. There are ways to …

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non-veg tiffin service

Non-Veg Tiffin Services: Delivering Meaty Goodness to Your Doorstep

Non-veg tiffin services have risen to be a culinary saviour. Everyone’s simply too busy with their work schedules to sit down and cook meals. A tiffin service steps in and eradicates the need to put in the extra hours that one often doesn’t have. We prepare the meals fresh, plan them in advance, and deliver …

Non-Veg Tiffin Services: Delivering Meaty Goodness to Your Doorstep Read More »

office lunch box

Get your nutrition delivered : Office lunch box

It can be challenging to manage a balanced diet when you’ve got a work schedule, a rushed morning and a social life reserved for the evening hours. Between work-life balance, a balanced diet may be too much. This is where meal plan services come in handy. Individuals who subscribe to meal plan services receive regular …

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fitness friendly meal

The Fitness-Friendly Menu: step two of the fitness journey

You are what you eat, and this holds true for all things who eat. We live amongst beings who have a dedicated ecosystem around them, resulting in their eating habits. We, as humans, have a lot of options when it comes to food, thanks to opposable thumbs and large-scale farming.  The food we consume is …

The Fitness-Friendly Menu: step two of the fitness journey Read More »

Meal Planning

Meal Planning: the road to a healthier lifestyle

In modern life, there’s simply too much to be done at light speed that keeping a healthy diet may seem like an uphill climb. Everything is hurried; there are demanding jobs, endless obligations and distractions, which make an unhealthy lifestyle the more convenient option. However, one has to ensure a healthy diet because a healthier …

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breakfast tiffin services

Breakfast Tiffin Services: The Perfect Start to Your Day

Introduction Having a good meal at the start of your day is very important. Especially since you’ve just woken up from sweet slumber, your body is well-rested and ready for fuel. What you put in your system will affect you throughout the day. This is why one must plan their breakfast thoroughly. Having a routine …

Breakfast Tiffin Services: The Perfect Start to Your Day Read More »

gut health

Listen to your gut: start eating better for gut health

The gut has a very important role in one’s overall well-being. It’s often called the second brain. It’s a complex ecosystem within one’s body, made up of microorganisms that comprise the gut microbiome. The well-being of this ecosystem helps us regulate healthy digestion. Eating the right food helps these microscopic inhabitants thrive.  One can be …

Listen to your gut: start eating better for gut health Read More »

chicken thali

Exploring the Delightful Flavors of Chicken Thali 

India is a vibrant country with colour in textiles, streets and food. The captivating cuisine is where most foodies settle down for hearty, tasty, and healthy meals. Indian cuisine makes use of many vegetables and spices. Both of which add an abundance of nutrients. Indian cuisine has tantalized the taste buds of the world. It’s …

Exploring the Delightful Flavors of Chicken Thali  Read More »

roti sabji

Roti Sabji: A Comforting and Nutritious Indian Meal

Roti and sabzi are a staple food for millions of people worldwide, especially in India. It is a very simple and nutritious meal that’s popular for a reason. It’s affordable, and the raw materials are easily accessible nationwide.  Roti is a flatbread made out of wheat flour, water and salt. It is cooked on a …

Roti Sabji: A Comforting and Nutritious Indian Meal Read More »

Indian thali variety

Exploring the World of Indian Thalis

Indian cuisine has a reputation for being flavourful and unbelievably rich in spices. Indian cuisine has a lot of vegan, vegetarian and non-vegetarian options for everyone. The food is easy to make and uses a wide array of spices.  Within the realm of Indian cuisine, the Thali stands as a culinary emblem. It’s a symbol …

Exploring the World of Indian Thalis Read More »

Meal planning tools and resources

Use Meal planning tools and resources and be smart about your groceries

Grocery shopping is a severely underrated form of retail therapy. It’s part of the adult routine and gets sidelined often because of how repetitive it gets. But grocery shopping can be a lovely experience – one where you get to make crucial decisions and fun gambles.  The way to go about grocery shopping differs from …

Use Meal planning tools and resources and be smart about your groceries Read More »

Protein Bowl Options

Protein Bowl ptions to Bowl your way to health 

If you are looking to start a healthier lifestyle, chances are you’ve figured out a workout routine and have figured that you need to increase your protein intake. This is where protein bowls act as lifesavers. Protein bowls options can be made with a variety of ingredients like – vegetables, lean protein, healthy fats, etc. …

Protein Bowl ptions to Bowl your way to health  Read More »

Pasta variants for those who crave pasta but want it to be healthy

Pasta Paradise: Exploring Pasta Varieties 

The Italians have done many great things, and pasta is easily at the top of that list. Pasta comes in many shapes and sizes to complement the different kinds of sauces used. Pasta is rich, creamy and a very filling meal. With soft-cooked pasta added into a thick creamy sauce, crunchy vegetables thrown in, and …

Pasta Paradise: Exploring Pasta Varieties  Read More »

Indian biryani secrets

Whispering the Indian Biryani Secrets

In India, Biriyani is taken very seriously. It’s eaten for lunch, dinner, during festivities, on weekends, and just about anytime one needs to be uplifted. Authentic Indian Biryani is fragrant, spicy, and has the softest rice. Indian Biryani secrets are sacred and shared only with those who understand the gravity of the matter. If you …

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Thali Dining Experience

The Thali Dining Experience: A Feast for the Senses

A thali dining experience is unique in every way. The way it’s presented, the different facets that make a thali and the technique of eating it. A thali can be explained as a large platter that contains many small elements that combine to create a complete meal. The essence of a thali lies in the …

The Thali Dining Experience: A Feast for the Senses Read More »

Meal prep

Meal Prep and Batch Cooking for a healthy life with busy schedules

Meal prep and batch cooking is an adult-only conversation. Once you’ve spent a good chunk of your college life eating instant noodles for dinner and deep-fried delicacies to last a lifetime, things take a quick turn as you realise the existence of your gut and the consequences of ignoring it.  Living healthy becomes a need …

Meal Prep and Batch Cooking for a healthy life with busy schedules Read More »