Moong dal khichdi Recipe- A wholesome & delicious meal

An introduction to khichdi

Khichdi is a popular dish in India and Pakistan. It’s made from rice, legumes (usually lentils or beans), and assorted vegetables simmered in water and spices. It is traditionally served as an accompaniment to any meal or eaten as a snack on its own. Some common ingredients used to prepare khichdi are split peas, mung beans, chickpeas, potatoes, cauliflower florets, leafy greens, capsicum or bell peppers, onions, tomatoes, gingerroot, garlic cloves, salt, and turmeric. Typically, this dish is slow-cooked over low heat until all the ingredients are tender. It’s often served hot with raita or chutney on the side.

There are several reasons why it’s so loved; first of all, it’s very satisfying – both mentally and physically. The combination of different textures and flavors makes it a complete meal, and because it can be prepared quickly using simple ingredients that you likely already have lying around your kitchen, making khichdi an ideal option for busy people on the go!

The origin of Khichdi

Khichdi has been around for centuries, and its origins can be traced back to ancient India. The earliest references to khichdi can be found in Vedic texts dating back to 3000 BC. These texts describe khichdi as a wholesome and nourishing dish often eaten by sages and ascetics. Over time, khichdi became a staple food in many parts of India due to its simplicity and versatility. Today, there are countless regional variations of khichdi, each with its unique flavor and ingredients. Whether it’s the simple Punjabi khichdi or the more elaborate Gujarati version, this humble dish continues to be a favorite among Indians of all ages.

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The moong dal variant

Moong dal khichdi is a popular dish in South Asia. It’s made from mung beans, split lentils, rice, and usually some spices like cumin or turmeric. The name “khichdi” means “split and boiled.” Many people enjoy this dish for its health benefits – it’s high in protein and fiber, which helps keep you satisfied for longer periods. Additionally, the lentils are rich in vitamins B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), niacinamide, folate, magnesium, zinc, pantothenic acid, lutein, zeaxanthin, and antioxidants.

Benefits of consuming moong dal

Due to its high vitamin content, including this dal in your daily diet can have several positive effects on your health. Here are five reasons why adding moong dal to your khichdi is a great idea.

1. It helps you lose weight.

Firstly, moong dal helps to improve the function of the cholecystokinin hormone. As a result, it increases your metabolic rate and makes you feel fuller after eating. This helps you manage your weight by keeping you from overeating.

2. It is packed with nutrients.

This variant of dal is packed with minerals like potassium, magnesium, iron, and copper. It contains folate, fibre, and vitamin B6. It is also high in B-complex vitamins that aid the breakdown of carbohydrates into glucose and create useful energy. Folic acid supports DNA synthesis.

Exceptionally high in dietary fibre, moong dal provides 40.5 to 71% of the daily recommended amount of vitamins that can be found in just one serving. This dietary fibre protects the body against nutritional problems and helps lower blood cholesterol levels. For vegetarians, it is a fantastic source of protein due to its high protein.

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3. It helps in improving blood circulation.

The abundance of iron content in moong dal helps produce red blood cells. A sufficient supply of red blood cells is essential to prevent anemia and enhance blood circulation throughout the body.

4. It helps in preventing diabetes.

Moong dal has a very low glycemic index, which helps lower the body’s insulin, blood glucose, and fat. As a result, this helps keep blood sugar levels under control and prevents diabetes.

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5. It helps to improve your heart health.

This wonder-working dal is rich in iron and potassium, which helps to lower blood pressure, regulates irrregular heartbeat, and pevents the muscles from getting cramped. In addition, it is light and easily digestible, making it the perfect food for people suffering from hypertension and heart disease.

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The simplest way to make moong dal khichdi

  1. To make moong dal khichdi, start by cooking the rice and moong dal in a pressure cooker. 
  1. Once the rice is cooked, add the spices of your choice. We would recommend cumin seeds, ginger, Garam Masala, and turmeric. 
  1. You can add green chilies if you prefer a little more heat to your meal.
  1. Once the spices are added, stir well and cook for another 5 minutes.
  1. Serve the yummy moong dal khichdi hot with sides of your choice.


Though many variations of moong dal khichdi exist, most people follow the same basic recipe. So whether you’re looking for something simple and nutritious to eat on its own or you want to create an Indian-inspired meal at home, Moong Dal Khichi will help you get started!

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