A Comprehensive Guide: Which cheese is best for pizza?

Cheese is a great topping for pizza. It can add flavor and texture to your favorite dish, but which cheese should you choose? Below we’ve listed some of the most popular options suitable for pizza toppings!

So which cheese is best for pizza?

It’s a tough question. After all, many kinds of cheese can be melted and transformed into a mozzarella-like substance—but not all of them taste good melted! Some cheeses have strong flavors that will overpower the other ingredients on your pizza. Other cheeses are so mild they’ll get lost in the mix. And not every single kind of cheese works well with every type of topping you might want to add to your pizza (for example, blue cheese is delicious with roasted red peppers).

So what’s the answer? How do you decide which kind of cheese is best for your next pizza creation? Read on for a comprehensive guide about which kinds of cheese work well together on pizza and how much each type costs at grocery stores around town.


Mozzarella is the top pick for a classic pizza cheese for a few reasons. It’s mild, creamy, and melts well—which means you can get away with using less of it than other cheeses without sacrificing flavor. You also won’t feel bad about serving it to an audience that includes children: Mozzarella has less fat and less sodium than other cheeses, making it one of the healthiest options (and a good choice for those who are lactose intolerant).

In addition to being easy on your body, mozzarella also offers great value. Most grocery stores sell it in blocks and pre-shredded bags that are inexpensive but also last long enough to be worth stocking up on when they’re on sale at Costco or Sam’s Club.


Many kinds of cheese (parmesan, mozzarella) originate from cow’s milk. Cheddar Cheese has a sharp taste and is often best to casseroles or dishes to enhance flavor.

This Cheese, like many other kinds of cheese (parmesan, mozzarella), originates from cow’s milk Cheddar has a very sharp flavorful taste and is mostly used in casseroles or added to dishes to add flavor.

To make cheddar cheese, hot milk is mixed together with rennet enzymes and salt over time until it turns into curds. These curds are cut into small pieces and pressed into molds to form the final product. Cheddar cheese in wide varieties, including sharp cheddars with more intense flavors than milder ones.

Further Reading: 8 Out-of-the-Box Tips for a Veg Pizza to Order


Parmesan is the only cheese to make on both of our lists. This one is hard because parmesan is not actually always consider a cheese. You can make it from finely grated, aged cow’s milk and has a nutty flavor. It does not melt or stretch, so it’s used for topping and not for cooking. Many people also call this hard cheese parmesan “Parmigiano-Reggiano,” also “from Parma” in Italian, where these cheeses you can actually make.

If you’re looking for something that melts well but still has an intense flavor like cheddar or gouda might give your pizza some extra oomph!

Blue Cheese. 

Blue cheese is not actually blue. It is a white cheese made from cow’s milk, and it has been aged in caves for at least 6 months. This aging process allows the blue mold to grow on the rind of the cheese, giving it its signature moldy appearance.

Blue cheese can be very sharp in taste and may be too strong if you’re not used to eating it, but it’s often used in casseroles or dishes to add flavor without overpowering it.


Gruyere is a cheese that comes from Switzerland and is made from cows’ milk. While it’s not exactly a common pizza topping, we think this Alpine cheese would make for a delicious addition to your pie. Gruyere is one of those cheeses that you have to try if you haven’t already. It has a buttery taste and creamy texture with a nutty flavor. If you can find it fresh, then, by all means, do use it! Otherwise, the aged version will work just as well for your pizza needs.


Provolone cheese originates from Italy and Cows make cheese from milk. It can be eaten, sliced, or melted onto a sandwich or pizza. Provolone has a buttery flavor that’s both mild and sharp at the same time. The texture of provolone is firm but creamy, which makes it great for grilled cheese sandwiches as well as pizzas!


So there you have it, a comprehensive guide to the best cheeses for your pizza. If you’re still unsure which one is right for you, we suggest trying them all at once! We hope this article helped make the decision easier.

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